Tonight Andrew is watching scary movies in an attempt to stay up late since he works tomorrow night. I detest scary movies, so I've been playing around on the internet all evening. :) Did you notice that lovely music player on the right side? Yah, that was me.
Anyways, the real point of this post is to link this.
It's about 55 minutes long, so make sure you have time to sit down and watch. It's too good to start and have to leave. It will make you angry, make you sad, make you grateful and will make you live.
Always live like there will be no tomorrow. Live to have no regrets.
Go watch this video.
hey girl! awesome blog :) love that dream song on your player! glad you're doing well and happy! :)
Thanks, girl. Your blog is super cute as well. Looks like you've been blessed with a lot :) Take care!
Meg Duerksen had the same link on hers. Good stuff
I don't have the 55 minutes right now, but I'll be watching this when I get a chance! Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog. You asked if I had any advice -I think a lot of bloggers write about what they think their readers want to hear. Just write from your heart, and speak the words you would want to read. Have a great day!