I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance; a scene filled with flowers and friends. I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for; he said one that would make me his wife.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Is everyone wearing green?  Did you eat Lucky Charms this morning?? ;-)

I married into an Irish family, too.  Yay, for me!

So, after all of Bailey's procedures and whatnot, I was stuck in the house for what seemed like FOREVER and finally, one day last week I just HAD to get out.  I had a few Tarjay (Target) gift cards and they were burning a hole in my pocket so off I went!

Among a lot of other unnecessary stuff, I got this Bodum! (French Coffee Press)

Heck yah! It's PINK!

I used it this weekend and have used it EVERY MORNING since! It is fun and makes me feel very mature.

Anyone got any extra coffee cups?  I only have a few and I think this snowman one is hanging out in the wrong season.  I could use some fun, colorful, cheery ones! I'm just sayin'....

We sat around Sunday morning and relaxed. Apparently, Bailey didn't receive enough sleep. How cute is he?

I may be a tad bit biased here, but how sweet is this?

I call him my "Snuggy Bubby" and it drives Andrew crazy.  ;-)

On another note!!!! Spring has sprung!!! As evidenced by my open sunroof and hand sticking out!


Get a load of these two bloggies...they are getting ready for spring and summer with plants, herbs and flowers! Oh my!

Show them some looooooooov-a!


Happy day!