I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance; a scene filled with flowers and friends. I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for; he said one that would make me his wife.
After work yesterday Katheryn and I went to the 24 Hr. Fitness by work and had a nice workout! I was glad to have someone to work out with. 

I went home afterwards and there was still at least an hour of sunshine left, so I decided to plant some seeds on biodegradeable pots! These pots can be placed directly into the ground and will biodegrade. Neat!

There is eat of them and by God, if something doesn't sprout.... Well, actually! one of them was labeled "Guaranteed to Grow!" Not that I could actually return them... but you know what I'm sayin'! I am excited to see what happens!

Also, last birthday, a few co-workers got me this little yellow rose plant.  Seriously thought it would die within weeks.  Nope... it made it through the winter, all the freezes and everything.  It never turned brown.  It just lost some of it's luster, but here it was this morning bright and early.  See all the new growth?

Pretty excited!

More to come!


I love when I make progress in something.  It just makes me feel so good!  This past weekend, Hubby and I got a LOT accomplished around the house.  The best part? No whining from him! SCORE!

First though, a cooking escapade! Last week I decided to try out PW's Lasagna.  Actually, it's called "The Best Lasagna Ever".  I was so proud of myself.  I did it! And it was GOOOOOOD!!

The only thing I would change about the recipe is substituting stewed or crushed tomatoes for the whole tomatoes the recipe called for.  Other than that, this was a grand recipe and we ate the entire thing! (In more than one sitting!) 

While I was still at work on Friday, Andrew cut and edged the yard. Go Andrew!!

Saturday morning, I let him sleep in a few hours (my gift to him for doing all the work the day before) and I got started pulling weeds and grass runners out of our front flower bed. 


Yikes! Someone took the winter off, right? LOL


See those dead looking plants in front?  Yeah, I hate those.  They are still alive, unfortunately. They are starting to get more green by the day.  Those are coming out soon and will be replaced with the flowers of my choice. :-)

I/we spent most of the morning pulling weeds and preparing the two flower beds (1 in front yard, 1 in back) for new mulch and new plants! I am so excited!

Saturday evening, Andrew and I got all spiffed up to meet Andy and Lara at Danton's Seafood in the Montrose area. The food was delicious and so was the company!

We got to have adult conversations! No kiddos! It was a lot of fun!

On Sunday we dropped Andrews car off to get the oil changed, had breakfast at Kolache Factory and went to WalMart to buy some planting necessities! When we got home we started putting up a long shelf in our garage for more storage!


I would place the bracket in the correct place and hold it while Andrew drilled in in the wall.  I was very important! ;-)

Look at all that extra storage space!!! We are putting another shelf below it soon, too! I've already put a lot of big appliances we got for our wedding that have just been sitting in our back room up on that shelf! Yaaaaayyyyy!!

Once we finished that and took a break, Andrew wanted to build my IKEA craft desk! I jumped all over that! I have been waiting a long time to have this craft room!! I loved it because we worked together and there was NO arguing! WOW!!

Finished Product:

I cannot wait to spiff this room up!! It's going to be great!! My first project you ask? A wedding/honeymoon scrapbook! Dreams do come true, people. 

That was the weekend! On to this week so far!

Monday night was our Pages & Pinot (Cute, I know) bookclub meeting.  Allie called the EcoShuttle to come pick us up!


Once we got to the place, we got a front row seat to a BUST!

See the blue on the opposite corner? There were two guys working that corner and they totally got busted.  Drugs/Alcohol.  The two dudes couldn't even stand up straight. They were pretty bad off.

See bookclubs are exciting!!!!

This month, the book we will be enjoying is:

Hmmm... Don't know why it is blurry.  It's called "Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen."  Katheryn and I are actually picking it up at lunch today!

That's it! That's all I've got for you!