There is a reason for the season, you know. We all tend to get caught up in gift buying, decorating, parties, etc so much so, that we rarely, if ever, stop long enough to remember why we celebrate Christmas.
Why DO we celebrate Christmas, you ask? Allow me to tell you! :)
We celebrate Christmas out of Love. Actually, we celebrate God's act of love for us by sending His one and only son to save the world. God sent his son to us to take punishment for all our sins. In case you didn't get the picture yet....when Christ was born, our salvation began. We should be giving gifts to celebrate the birth of our Savior, not just because we need new clothes or a Playstation.
We shouldn't take off work to Christmas shop or decorate. We should take off work to give to those less fortunate than us, to go to Church and to celebrate the birth of Christ. To sing to Him. To reach out for Him. To show our LOVE for Him who gave up everything for all of us.
I am truely making an effort this year to stop as often as I can and to think about that. You should too. After all, it's the reason we are all here. The reason we can have families, friends, dogs, cats, shoes, homes, etc. All of it.
Take some time this Christmas season to stop and tell Him how much you love Him and what He did for us.
Why DO we celebrate Christmas, you ask? Allow me to tell you! :)
We celebrate Christmas out of Love. Actually, we celebrate God's act of love for us by sending His one and only son to save the world. God sent his son to us to take punishment for all our sins. In case you didn't get the picture yet....when Christ was born, our salvation began. We should be giving gifts to celebrate the birth of our Savior, not just because we need new clothes or a Playstation.
We shouldn't take off work to Christmas shop or decorate. We should take off work to give to those less fortunate than us, to go to Church and to celebrate the birth of Christ. To sing to Him. To reach out for Him. To show our LOVE for Him who gave up everything for all of us.
I am truely making an effort this year to stop as often as I can and to think about that. You should too. After all, it's the reason we are all here. The reason we can have families, friends, dogs, cats, shoes, homes, etc. All of it.
Take some time this Christmas season to stop and tell Him how much you love Him and what He did for us.
He is the reason for our Peace.
Very beautiful, Steph! No matter how people want to redefine this time of the year, it will always be about sharing love and life and the giving of ourselves. Peace on Earth!
Loved it!! It makes a me proud to hear such beautiful words, and thoughts from my little girl!!!